View Project Spotlights below:Coastal Projects

Client: Stone Harbor, NJ
Construction Cost: $2,000,000.00
Funding: $3,000,000.00 Loan
This project consisted of the removal of the five (5) existing storm outfall lines from the beach, installation of new storm sewer pipe to discharge into the bay, installation of a NJDEP approved water quality chamber and the addition of groundwater recharge prior to outfall discharge. This methodology was chosen as the most cost-effective design, environmentally beneficial, conforming with NJDEP Stormwater Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:8) and improved beach safety thru the removal of outfall structures from the beach. This project was funded by the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust (NJEIT) Fund.
Client: Wildwood Crest, NJ
Construction Cost: $2,000,000.00
Funding: $1,400,000.00 Grant
The project consisted of the restoration and stabilization of the existing shoreline area along Sunset Lake between Rambler Road and Monterey Avenue. The existing shoreline consisted of concrete rubble and debris which was replaced with a concrete revetment mat and soil anchors. The project also included environmental permitting, wetland delineation and adjacent upland was landscaping. The Borough received a grant from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Coastal Engineering receive in the amount of $1,400,000.00.
Sanitary Projects
Client: North Wildwood, NJ
Construction Cost: $16,000,000.00
Funding: $6,100,000.00 Grant/ $13,000,000.00 in Loans
The project consisted of the replacement of the sanitary sewer, storm drainage, improvements for the water main, and restoration of roadways for various streets in North Wildwood. The USDA Rural Development Awarded the City $6.1 million in grants and $13 million in low interest loans in funding for Phases 1-3.
Client: Middle Township, NJ
Construction Cost: $2,500,000.00
Funding: $1,000,000.00 Grant/$2,200,000.00 Loan
The project consisted of installing a sanitary sewer pump station for the Grassy Sound Civic Association (GSCA) to replace an existing sewage holding tank. Middle Township decided to replace the existing sewage holding station with a wet well type pump station with two submersible pumps and a force main. The proposed pump station will provide service for the adjacent properties as well as receive additional flow from a recently constructed force main serving the opposite side of Grassy Sound Channel. Due to economic considerations and environmental constraints, it was decided that the force main will be installed by directional drilling methods. In total, the proposed pump station will receive flow and pump approximately 13,000 feet to a discharge point to a sanitary sewer manhole west of NJSH Route 9. The USDA Rural Development Awarded the Township a $1,000,000.00 Grant & a $2,200,000.00 Loan.

Potable Water Projects

Client: Lower Township, NJ
Construction Cost: $10,800,000.00 (Phase 1-3)
Funding: $2,700,000.00 Grant & $8,100,000.00 in Loans
The Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority (LTMUA) did not provide public water service to the Town Bank section of Lower Township. The residences in Town Bank previously relied on private wells for potable water service which contained various contaminates in the groundwater supply.
Mr. DeBlasio was in responsible charge of the project and provided engineering and construction observation services for USDA Rural Development Town Bank Water Main Improvements for Phase I to III. To fund the $10.8 million water main improvement project for Town Bank, a USDA Rural Development Application was prepared and submitted on behalf of the LTMUA for the much-needed funds. The USDA awarded the second largest grant in New Jersey, with $2.7 million in grants and $8.1 million in loans, the water main improvements ensured each resident in Town Bank has access to safe potable water.
The water main infrastructure expansion included extending the 12” water main located on Townbank Road along Clubhouse Drive to Cox Hall Creek and installing an 8-inch water main along all municipal streets. The distribution layout of the water main consisted of approximately 25,000 LF of 12” PVC C-900 pipe and approximately 85,000 LF of 8” PVC C-900 pipe. The water main improvements store a total of 368,600 gallons of water.
Client: Lower Township, NJ
Construction Cost: $3,100,000.00
Funding: $3,700,000.00 in Loans
The Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority (LTMUA) did not provide public water service to the East Villas section of Lower Township. The residences in East Villas previously relied on private wells for potable water service which contained various contaminates in the groundwater supply. Mr. DeBlasio was in responsible charge of the project and provided engineering and construction observation services for USDA Rural Development East Villas Water Main Installation for Phase 1. To fund the $4 million water main improvement project for East Villas, a USDA Rural Development Application was prepared and submitted on behalf of the LTMUA for the much-needed funds. The USDA awarded a $3.7 million-dollar loan to the LTMUA for the project. The distribution layout of the water main consisted of approximately 30,000 LF of 8” PVC C-900 pipe and 700 water services.
Parks, Recreation and Streetscape Projects
Client: Wildwood, NJ
Construction Cost: $800,000.00
The project consisted of designing and constructing a regulation high school baseball and soccer field. Field amenities included block wall dugouts, batting cages, bull pens, field lighting, scoreboard and bleacher areas. Parking lot improvements and field drainage was also incorporated to improve the functionality of the site. The surface areas for both fields were specified as sod with irrigation.
Client: City of Cape May, NJ
Construction Cost: $3,000,000.00
The City undertook a major initiative to revitalize the Washington Street Mall to enhance one of its most popular destinations for tourists, visitors and business owners. The proposed work for this project included replacement of the subsurface utilities, street lighting, brick paver sidewalks, landscaping, street furniture, water fountains and other site improvements.

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"Listen to what your client wants, evaluate their needs, and give them excellent and responsive service with an outstanding work product."
Marc DeBlasio, President
P: 609.854.3311
F: 609.854.4323
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4701 New Jersey Ave
Wildwood, NJ 08260
EHT Branch Office
6712 Washington Square
Suite 205
Egg Harbor, NJ 08234